There are a variety of titles you can unlock that you can display at the top of your profile, and tons of ways titles can be earned, including achievements, badges, bundles, special events, leveling, and more. Check out the list of available titles to see what you can aim for!
You can check all your obtained titles with the /titles list
If you want to select a specific title to display, you can do so with the /titles set
Read about other ways you can customize your profile here.
- Professional Petter
- Satan
- Terrible Pet Owner
- Achievement Hunter
- Always Dead
- Bad Plant Parent
- Badger Binger
- Bossmaster
- Bundled Baby
- Busy Angler
- Chain Fighter
- Crafter
- Daily Grinder
- Developer Simp
- Dirty Hands
- Employee of the Month
- Generous Friend
- High Every Day
- Limited Time Buyer
- Lottery Noob
- Lottery Wiener
- Massive Showoff
- Melmsie's Favorite
- No-Lifer
- Nosy Neighbor
- NPC Stan
- Omega God
- Omega Player
- Overachiever
- Popular Farmer
- Prestige Royalty
- Stream Queen
- Tool Stomper
- Use me?
- Water Collector
- Wet and Dirty
- Band Kid (Brazil)
- Cat Lover (Halloween)
- Corn Enjoyer (Halloween)
- Dirty dirty liar (Winter Wonderland)
- Dirty Thief (Museum)
- Exotic Dancer (Brazil)
- Eye Collection Agent (Space)
- Fish Update WHEN? (Museum)
- Frozen Winner (Winter Wonderland)
- Heavy Drinker (Brazil)
- Hunter at Heart (Museum)
- Impatient AF (Winter Wonderland)
- Jim Carrey MEGAFAN (Winter Wonderland)
- Keeper? I barely know er (Vacation)
- Kid Defeater (Winter Wonderland)
- Kind Soul (Out West)
- Never Smiling (Vacation)
- Ring a Ding a Dong (Brazil)
- Sk8ter Boi (Winter Wonderland)
- Sleigh Slayer (Winter Wonderland)
- Snail Eater (Vacation)
- Super NERD (Winter Wonderland)
- Urinary Visionary (Space)
- Wish Granted (Space)
- ZogChamp (Brazil)
- Zoya Slayer (Brazil)
- Alpha Tester
- BJ Master
- Bot Moderator
- Bug Detective
- Developer
- Dice Shaker
- Itch Scratcher
- Rod Master
- Slash Tester
- Slippery Snake
- Slot Master
- Always High
- Bester Quester
- Bold Adventurer
- Bug Hunter
- Business Savvy
- Charity Leader
- Collector
- Crime Lord
- Daily Devotee
- Diggin It
- Disenfranchised Voter
- Fighter
- Goldzilla
- Hide and Seek Champion
- Illegal Pet Fighter
- Marital Marvel
- Market Manipulator
- Meme Connoisseur
- P2W Player
- Pet Handling Expert
- Poor Little Beggar
- Rob Them Blind
- Seasoned Angler
- Server Lifeblood
- XPlosion Expert
- Drop Shopper
- Fisher
- Packer
- Phalliac
- QuizNOs!
- Adept Farmer
- Adventurer
- Angler
- Bits and Bobs Collector
- Boxer
- Brazilian Vacationer
- Chronic Worker
- Collecting Fiend
- Dev Collector
- Excavator
- Family Starter
- Holiday Collector
- Human Powerup
- Hunter
- I Spooped My Pants
- Level Leviathan
- Nostalgia Lover
- Old Cowboy
- Pepe Collector
- Plastic Maniac
- Statistical Improbability
- Streaming Maniac
- Total Tool
- Bronze Warrior (Bronze Rank)
- Iron Knight (Iron Rank)
- Silver Surfer (Silver Rank)
- Golden God (Gold Rank)
- Platypus (Platinum Rank)
- Green like Pepe (Jade Rank)
- Elite Fighter (Amethyst Rank)
- Fish Name Champion
- Location Name Native
- NPC Name's BFF
- A bit fishy...
- Dark Knight
- Fishing Addict
- Haunter, I barely know er'
- Jack Skellingfisher
- Seasoned Passer
- Trick or Treater
- Water Haunter
- Holiday spirits haunt me
- Kissing Santa rn
- Lump of coal
- Naughty lister
- Nice lister
- Rock around my tree...
- Santa's Baby
- All Hands, All Day
- Harpoons make me swoon
- I'm Dynamite Baby
- Net Positive, Grass Negative
- Bad Attitude
- Bad Bitch Energy
- barely surviving
- Big Chet Energy
- Bought Chet's NFTs
- Chad lift me pls
- Chronic Fight Loser
- Collecting > Fighting
- Fighting > Gambling
- Fish fear me
- Fishing > Fighting
- Gambling > Fighting
- Gem Rat
- I embezzled this title
- Just one more wager…
- Mistletoe Simp
- My other car is a gem
- Mysterious Figure Stan
- NPC Simp
- No Rizz
- Not a lawyer
- On Vacation
- Robbieland Native
- Royalty
- Samuel is my dad
- Skipped leg day
- Slaying 💅
- Summon Fish Update
- Tax fraud
- Team Freshwater
- Team Saltwater
- VAT Cat
- Weak in the knees
- Why are my pets so h*rny
- Zara's #1 Student
- Re-poster (Level 5)
- Original Memer (Level 15)
- Total Memer (Level 20)
- 69 Nice (Level 69)
- Kek Lord (Level 100)
- Badosz Stan (Level 13,500)
- Newbie (Level 1)
- Memer (Level 10)
- Dank Memer (Level 25)
- Good Meme (Level 45)
- CEO, Entrepreneur (Level 64)
- 69 (Level 69)
- reposter (Level 200)
- two fiddy (Level 250)
- Amazing Cute Memer (Level 300)
- Wow Memer (Level 400)
- 🦨 (Level 420)
- God of Memes (Level 500)
- Literally Dank Memer (Level 700)
- God (Level 1,000)
- one one one one (Level 1,111)
- Biggest Brain (Level 1,500)
- Tryhard Gamer (Level 2,000)
- Stepped on a lego (Level 2,100)
- Sweatlord (Level 2,750)
- Beanie Baby (Level 3,250)
- God's Dad (Level 3,500)
- Level Champ (Level 4,000)
- Not even ONE candycorn (Level 4,800)
- Holy Gamer (Level 5,500)
- Greg (Level 5,800)
- woah 😳 (Level 8,000)
- I miss my mommy (Level 8,200)
- Butter? (Level 8,750)
- Not even my final form (Level 9,666)
- 🫥 Hiding from Responsibility (Level 10,000)
- Egg (Level 11,000)
- Average Karen (Level 11,750)
- Sitting != Standing (Level 12,000)
- Smelly Smellerson (Level 12,200)
- AI Cringelord (Level 12,400)
- 🐄 Moo 🐄 (Level 12,600)
- Odd Player (Level 12,800)
- Money. (Level 13,000)
- Pet me? (Level 13,200)
- why pls rich no work (Level 13,400)
- Big Donut (Level 13,600)
- Back it up on me (Level 13,800)
- Cut em up (Level 14,200)
- Eats XP for dinner (Level 14,400)
- Flew away (Level 14,600)
- Royal Spammer (Level 14,800)
- Agrostophobic (Level 15,000)
- Robotic (Level 15,001)
- Sucker (Level 15,002)
- Why? (Level 20,000)
- True Love (Marriage Level 15)
- Endless Love? (Marriage Level 52)
- Hardcore
- Omega Chad
- Omega Virgin
- Actually Never Seen Grass
- I eated cake
- no
- Water my melons
- Yes
- Chonky Stonky (Exclusive Title #1 Website Subscriber)
- Member me? (Exclusive Title #2 Website Subscriber)
- Patreon Drools (Exclusive Title #3 Website Subscriber)
- Big Member (Subscribe for three months)
- Gemcat's Lil Cutie (Website - Purchasing $100 Gem Bundle)
- Beloved Staff Member (Exclusive gift from Mel)
- Donated XX (Custom from Pink Event Donations)
- droppy papi (limited drop)
- Happy Holidays ❤️ MeL (Exclusive gift from Mel)
- Look Mom, I'm a Beta (Beta Testing)
- Pinkies Down! (Pink "Bit of a Change" Event - 2nd Place)
- Pinkies Up! (Pink "Bit of a Change" Event - 1st Place)
~ Several other custom titles from Mel (not included in count above)
- Lottery Winner (Winning Lotto)
- stupid universe box... (Universe Box)
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